We all feel compelled to make those hard-to-keep New Year's Resolutions. But this year I decided to keep my goals attainable and thought that by sharing some ideas with you it might help you begin giving your home a fresh start for 2009.
Lately, I've been using some of the basic principles of Feng Shui to guide me through the ritual of starting off the New Year with a clean slate. Nothing is better than how you feel after de-cluttering....Put away, donate, or just toss those things in your home that don't give you pleasure. We're all buried under mountains of papers and magazines, so do your best to start with that. Any clothes, books, household items or gifts that have been sitting around and unused should move on. If something is broken, fix it! If something is looking a little tired, re-paint it. I guarantee you will feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of you. You'll be free to move on in more creative directions.
I find it hard to focus on a new project for the home until the cleansing process has been completed. Only then can my creative juices start flowing. We recently undertook this process in my shop and studio. What a positive transformation! The fabric studio is a dream to work in and the shop windows are sparkling with new ideas. My team and I are in the process of embarking on some new and very exciting projects (stay tuned to upcoming blogs for the latest).
My wish for you all is a joyful, prosperous and spiritually uplifting 2009. I hope that my team can inspire you all to make your homes a place that is a pleasure to come home to. "Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self assessment that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility." -Eric Zorn